Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Michelle has contributed significantly to the culture of Steve Madden and has spearheaded many of its DEI efforts. That work has become the cornerstone of the company’s early internal conversations around DEI, and has expanded to communication with customers and investors. This has allowed the company to be more competitive in a market where these efforts are no longer seen as ancillary to the company’s primary goals, but integral to its success in recruitment, retention, innovation, and even new business.

photo of SM Pride membership

Employee Resource Group Founder and Lead

Michelle established SM Pride, Steve Madden’s first Employee Resource Group, in 2019. The organization has since met many of its initial goals to create a more equitable workplace and support the broader community in more meaningful ways, and has also paved the way for other ERGs at Steve Madden.

DEI Council Member

In 2020, Michelle was appointed to the newly formed DEI Council at Steve Madden, which was intended to hold the company accountable to its DEI goals, and to also discuss and develop new initiatives that can further these goals and respond appropriately to our ever-changing world. Michelle’s frequent contributions to this group have been instrumental in shaping the company’s initial steps in the DEI space, including a company-wide interactive training session with Amber Hikes, Chief Equity Officer at the ACLU, as well as the initiation of regular All-Hands meetings, which have been well-received.

CSR Consulting

Well before being appointed to the DEI Council, Michelle initiated conversations with decision makers about the company’s commitment to DEI and practical ways that the company could continue to grow in this area. Acting as a liaison between CSR and Marketing, she has helped facilitate the development of cultural awareness communications, through both internal and customer-facing messaging. She has also received a grant from the company to complete Cornell’s Diversity & Inclusion certification course which gave her the additional skills and knowledge required to support the company’s DEI training efforts.